Villareal and Associates is Tulsa Oklahoma's premiere professional consulting, staffing and human resource firm!
We offer compensation surveys, job evaluation and grading studies, market pricing studies, incentive compensation plans, long-term incentive and stock-related compensation plans and performance appraisal systems!

Professional compensation consulting services for large corporations or small business.
Compensation Consulting Services Including Compensation Surveys, Organizational Planning and Performance Appraisal

The compensation consulting services we offer clients are broad and range from the development of an entire compensation program for a company to the design of compensation plans for individual job positions such as CEO. Our firm has extensive experience in providing compensation consulting services:

  • Compensation surveys including those of CEO, CFO and executive management levels
  • Job evaluation, grading studies and pay administration programs
  • Market pricing studies, compensation surveys, salary surveys, and salary comparison projects
  • Incentive compensation plans
  • Long-term incentive and stock-related compensation plans
  • Expert Witness testimony on compensation issues
Basic Compensation Consulting Services Provided Compensation Consulting Fee Structure Representative Compensation Consulting  Engagements Return to Home Top of page

Compensation consulting services provided by Villareal Associates

  1. Development of job evaluation and salary administration programs
  2. Design of incentive compensation plans, including management incentive plans, sales incentive plans and productivity improvement plans.
  3. Design and conduct of compensation surveys to identify competitive market rates for positions.
  4. Review and evaluation of current compensation programs and practices for a particular organization, with recommendations for improvement.
  5. Assessment of the competitiveness of client compensation practices.
  6. Development of performance appraisal programs, especially in conjunction with improved pay administration plans.

Compensation Consulting Fee Schedule

Fees for compensation consulting services are based on the time devoted to an engagement or project by the consultants involved. Normally, fees for consulting projects are estimated in advance of the engagement, based on the anticipated time required to successfully complete the project. In the case of smaller human resource projects where the client may desire the pricing of selected jobs or advice on a particular compensation issue, fees are billed based on the time required to meet the client's need.

Representative compensation consulting  projects since 1999

The following compensation consulting projects have been completed in the past few years:

1. Privately-held publishing company with $150 million in annual revenues and 800 employees in both domestic and international locations.

-- Designed and implemented job evaluation and pay administrative program.
-- Perform annual compensation reviews and updates.
-- Developed tailored incentive compensation plans.

2. Major car rental company with over 1,000 employees.

-- Designed and implemented job evaluation and pay administration program.
-- Developed performance appraisal system.
-- Provide related on-going consulting assistance in program administration.

3. Large, fast-food restaurant chain with $120 million in annual revenues and 1,200 employees.

-- Developed job evaluation and pay administration program.
-- Designed management incentive compensation plan.
-- Developed formal performance appraisal program.
-- Perform periodic compensation updates.

4. Privately-held manufacturer and marketer of food products with $100 million in annual revenues and 800 employees.

-- Designed incentive compensation plan.
-- Developed job evaluation and pay administration program.
-- Developed performance appraisal system.

5. Major general contractor construction company with over 1,000 employees.

-- Designed management incentive plan.
-- Designed long-term, equity participation plan.
-- Provide on-going compensation consulting.

6. Designer and manufacturer of pollution control equipment with 140 employees and $100 million in annual revenues.

-- Analyzed job responsibilities and developed job descriptions for company positions.
-- Developed recommendations regarding competitive pay levels and associated pay ranges.
-- Provide on-going compensation consulting assistance, to include the recent development of the base pay program for manufacturing personnel.

7. NBC affiliate television station in a major metropolitan area.

- Developed job evaluation and pay administration program.
-- Developed performance appraisal system.
-- Developed management incentive compensation plan.

8. Privately-held manufacturer and marketer of industrial chemicals with $400 million in annual revenues and 1,200 employees in domestic and international locations.

-- Developed compensation programs, including incentive compensation plans.
-- Developed performance appraisal program.
-- Conducted compensation surveys.

9. State Corporation Commission

-- Conducted in-depth study of compensation programs and practices of the four investor-owned utilities.
-- Designed and conducted extensive compensation survey in connection with this study.

10. Publicly-traded oil and gas exploration, production and property acquisition company.

-- Designed job evaluation /pay administration program and performance appraisal system.
-- Developed management incentive compensation plans for professional, management and sales personnel.
-- Conducted compensation surveys and market analysis work for the Compensation Committee of the Board.

11. Publicly-traded manufacturer and marketer of computer products with over 2,000 employees and $1 billion in annual revenues.

-- Developed progressive pay-for-performance compensation program for new state-of-the-art manufacturing division.

12. Privately-held pipeline construction and oil field services company with over 1,000 employees.

-- Developed pay administration program.
-- Provided guidance and technical support in the development of job descriptions in line with the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act.

13. Publicly-traded (NYSE) energy resources company with over 1,000 employees.

-- Designed executive incentive plan.
-- Conducted compensation updates.
-- Conducted periodic compensation survey.

14. Major NYSE energy company with both domestic and international operations and over 10,000 employees.

-- Designed incentive compensation plan for senior management.
-- Conducted industry compensation survey.

15. Privately-held manufacturing company with $40 million in annual revenues and 350 employees.

-- Designed job evaluation/pay administration program.
-- Conducted compensation survey.
-- Designed management incentive plan.
-- Developed long-term incentive compensation plan.

16. Publicly-traded energy company with over $6 billion in annual revenues and 12,000 employees.

-- Designed and conducted industry compensation survey.

17. Publicly-traded independent energy company with $12 billion in annual revenues and over 20,000 employees.

-- Conducted industry compensation survey.
-- Developed expert witness testimony in connection with major lawsuit.

18. Intra-state pipeline transmission company with 800 employees.

-- Conducted industry compensation surveys.
-- Provided guidance and technical support in the development of job descriptions in line with the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act.

19. Major, nation-wide liquid propane distribution and marketing company with 2,000 employees.

-- Developed performance appraisal program.
-- Designed executive incentive compensation plan.

20. Major medical center with 1,500 employees.

-- Developed job descriptions for exempt and management positions.
-- Conduct annual pay range reviews and adjustments for management positions.

21. Company which manufactures and repairs aerospace equipment with $25 million in annual sales and 100 employees.

-- Developed job descriptions.
-- Evaluated and graded jobs and designed the pay structure.
-- Provide on-going compensation consulting.

22. Area United Way and non-profit agencies.

-- Design and conduct bi-annual compensation survey to identify competitive pay and benefit practices among area non-profit organizations (on-going project).

23. Major Oklahoma airport authority

-- Conducted organization studies and recommended design of new or revised jobs.
-- Conducted comprehensive compensation survey to identify competitive pay practices.
-- Re-evaluated and regarded positions to ensure pay competitiveness.

24. Specialty medical center for children with 400 employees.

-- Developed job evaluation and pay administration program.
-- Designed performance appraisal system.
-- Developed management incentive compensation plan.